Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nine Months

Wow, another month has flown by. Mason you have been alive in this world outside of my womb as long as you were inside. Before we know it, you will be a year old already.

For now, let's see what you've been up to.

  • You are still wearing 12 month clothes. You still have some 9 month clothes that fit you, but not the pants, you are going to be a tall boy!

  • You are still in size 3 diapers, they fit you great

  • I'm guessing you are about 20 pounds now; you go for your next check-up in two weeks.

  • You love food! You eat anything that we give you. You are becoming way too independent though, you like to feed yourself, so we are having a hard time feeding you baby food these days

  • You still don't have any teeth, but that is not stopping you at all

  • You can drink out of a sippy cup now and love orange juice (even though I water it down).

  • You walk along furniture all the time and stand unassisted for long periods of time now

  • You can take 2-3 steps now before you fall down and love walking from the foot stool to the couch; you will be walking by next month, I know it.

  • You are sleeping through the night again, hallelujah!

  • You say da-da very well and say it ALL the time; I've been trying to get you to say ma-ma, but you laugh and say da-da instead. However, you do call me da-da, too, so I forgive you. Ha!

  • You can crawl up the stairs now! And, you move quick. We have learned that we have to block off the stairs because you will not stay down if you are in a room with stairs, even though no one is usually upstairs.

  • You love to play with Legos, although I think you like to eat them more than play, you always crawl towards the Lego table (unless the stairs are not blocked off!)

  • Mason, you are getting into EVERYTHING! Nothing is safe if it is in your reach and you put everything in your mouth. It is definitely an incentive for me to keep the house clean.

Mason, I thank God for you all the time. You and your siblings are the best thing that ever happened to me and I can't wait to see the kid you turn out to be. I love you sweet baby boy!


My Trendy Tykes said...

Awww!! Growing up so fast, mom.