Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ten Months

I know I say this every month, but I cannot believe it has been another month. Mason, you are now 10 months old! I just can't believe how fast time is flying lately.

Let's see what you've been up to; you've had a very big month.

  • You weigh 21 pounds, 2 ounces and are 28 inches long; 50th percentile for both areas now.

  • You are still wearing 12 month clothes. I have even been buying some 18 month onesies because of how long you seem to be.

  • Mason, you have 2 teeth now!! They both came through on the same day; which explains why were so cranky for awhile and had a horrible diaper rash...all is better now.

  • You are walking now; and I don't mean taking steps, you are walking from room to room and now that you are vertical, you can see more of what is on top of tables and desks. That means, that you are into even more now; you can see more so you get into it. It seems like I am always telling you no.

  • Again, now that you are vertical, you figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets. Luckily, I don't put anything dangerous in the bottom cabinets, so I just let you get into them when I am in the kitchen. You love to play in the cabinet with all of the Tupperware. When I am doing dishes, you pull out a bunch of containers and stack them inside each other...mental note, Santa is looking for stackable cups for you for Christmas!

  • We have upgraded you from your infant carrier to a big boy car seat! (Especially since the infant carrier only held up to 22 pounds)! You seem to enjoy the big car seat because you can sit up and see more, and see Allison and Preston in the back seat better now. Lately, though, you haven't wanted to be in your car seat, mostly because you don't like to sit still!

  • We have also started giving you baths in the big bath tub; no more baby bath tub. It was getting too difficult with you trying to pull yourself up and reaching for anything around the kitchen I tried the big bath tub and you love it. Of course, you are pulling yourself up constantly and are always standing up when I am trying to wash you, which does make it easier for me, but I am so worried you are going to slip and hurt yourself.

  • You did not like stage 3 baby food. Maybe because of the texture, but maybe because 9 times out of 10 you want to feed yourself. Because you don't have a lot of teeth, I have been very careful of trying new foods; we are so afraid you are going to choke. I can give you stage 2 food now and then, and you like yogurt and pudding (sugar-free of course) so you are getting something in your stomach. You will still let me feed you mashed potatoes because those are your favorite. Yesterday, you even ate a grilled cheese sandwich! I cut the pieces into tiny bites and you fed yourself. Oh, and you love scrambled eggs, too. Pretty soon you will be eating what the rest of us are eating every night.

  • We have finally gotten you into a more normal bed routine. It's been hard because daddy is still laid off so he's home with you most days and you are not on a regular schedule for feedings and naps. But, you seem to be going to bed around the same time every night, between 8:30 - 9:00 pm and are sleeping through the night, sometimes until 8:00 or 8:30 in the morning. You take the best naps when you are sleeping on mommy or daddy's chest. Yes, I know that is not the most desirable place for getting you into a normal routine, but we love it and it makes us take the time to sit and cuddle with you. But, you are a very hot baby and sweat horribly...ha!

  • This week you will celebrate your first Christmas; I am so excited! Not that I think you will even want to open gifts, but just by being there with us as we go through our holiday traditions, and most importantly by completing our family.

We all love you so much. We love watching you learn every day and grow up to be such a wonderful little boy. Happy 10 month birthday baby boy!