Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 - New Year's Resolutions

I know, I'm a little late in getting this post out...can't imagine why!

Oh, and in case you're counting, this is my 100th post; fitting, isn't it?

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions, but this year, I want to set some attainable goals that I think I can handle. Now, I can't make them too easy, or it wouldn't be challenging, but I also wanted to be realistic.

Here goes:

1. I need to practice patience with my kids. Seriously, sometimes I yell and scream like a crazy woman, ahem, like my mother did, and I certainly don't want to be like that. I really have been trying to make an effort this year so far, for instance, I now warn the kids that I am going to start screaming and yelling before I do, so at least they have an honest chance of stopping whatever bad thing they are doing. So far, if I stop for a second and think about trying to stay calm, I have been finding it easier to calmly talk to my children in a manner that is more acceptable and have even found that when I act rational and calm, they are a bit more attentive in listening to what I have to say. It's working, it's a long road, but we're working on it.

2. I need to set some alone time for David and myself. I mean, forget "me time", I need to focus on us before I can relax and enjoy me. We are going to make a real effort to having a date-night, at least once a month. It will be a challenge because a) we'll need to find a babysitter, which costs money and b) we'll need to find the money to go out and do things. As you know, David has been unemployed off and on for almost 2 years, so money is very tight for us right now. And, before you go judging him, unemployment is more than a part-time job at McDonald', he does when he can, when he can and tries to pick up as much side work as he possibly can. Hey, we haven't lost the house, yet.

3. I want to start going to church more regularly. Don't judge me, I think I only went 3 times in 2009. It is hard because I married someone who doesn't go to church and has no desire. My kids go to a Catholic school and do go to church every Friday as a school. But, come Sunday, I'm so tired, trying to catch up with housework and usually busy doing the family thing that I make up excuses not to go. I should go. I want to go, not necessarily by myself, but I could if I had to. I feel better about myself when I go. I am Catholic, that's how I was raised, but I hear about all these other wonderful churches from other people and they have such strong church families and communities, I don't feel that when I go to my church. Is it wrong if I go to one church but send my kids to another? Don't answer that...just a rhetorical question. Anyhow, I'm going to try to get there at least once a month...I already didn't make it yet this past Sunday.

I have lots of other things on my list...but I think these 3 are most important right now, and are enough of a challenge that I think I will feel accomplished when I get something checked off.

Anyhow, I know I'm late in posting this, and I've seen some posts out there already with resolutions for 2010, but what are yours?