Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm here, I promise

Yes, I'm still here; just been a stranger to the blog world lately.

Mason is at a stage right now where he needs constant entertainment and attention, as he should be. I have been on the floor, playing with him, as I should be, every night after work. I've just been too wore out at the end of the night to finish my posts. I don't even read my regular blogs anymore; I used to do this a few times a day.

I have numerous posts started, just nothing finished. I used to start or finish posts at work, but not lately. I've been super busy at work. Well, let me correct that, I've always been super busy at work, but lately, I've been focused on my work while I'm at work, which I suppose is a good thing. For the first time since Mason has been born, I don't just have the "mom-brain" while at work, so things are actually getting done at my desk.

The kids and I have been pre-occupied with summer, going on walks in the evening or just staying up late watching movies and eating popcorn or ice-cream. So, while we're not doing anything too exciting, we are busy and I just don't have the time to do it all these days. So, I've been choosing to spend any free time with my kids.

Plus, as you can see, sometimes, I just can't get on either computer at home...

And, Mason doesn't stay where I put him anymore...he's rolling, scooting, army-crawling and really, really trying to crawl. He can get up on his hands and knees and rock, then he either scoots backwards or falls forward. This is where I spend lots of time lately...

And, he plays peek-a-boo now, which is totally fun.

So, while the posts aren't coming regularly anymore, rest assured, I am here, we're all ok (besides my car accident last week - more to come on that later) and we're just enjoying our summer; it will be over before we know it.

Have a great week!


Alicia said...

I am glad to see you! And to know you are ok after your car accident. I am in and out right now too...I have so much going on. Hope you have a great week!