Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Six Months

Mason, as I type these words, I cannot believe you are 6 months old already. You have been in this world for half a year already; time is flying by!

Let's see what you have been up to these days.
  • You are getting so big; you seem bigger every day. You go for your 6 month check-up next week, but my guess is that you are about 18 or 19 pounds. Almost too big for your baby carrier!
  • You are in the middle of a package of size 2 diapers. I am thinking we will be moving you up to size 3 the next time we buy diapers.
  • You are still wearing size 6 months and 6-9 months clothes. I can squeeze you into a few 3-6 month onesies for bedtime.
  • We just introduced formula for the first time; mixing it in with your usual breast-milk bottles and you drink it just as quickly and quietly as ever. You haven't even acted like anything has changed! Next we will be introducing a sippy cup!
  • You are a great eater. You eat baby cereal with fruit for breakfast and follow-up with a bottle and then eat a half of a jar (step 2) of fruit for lunch and then follow that up with a bottle. You have an entire jar of step 2 baby food for dinner (You love Apples & Chicken or Chicken Noodle) and then usually follow it with nursing afterwards. You also love trying new things in your mesh-feeder. Your favorite so far is a freezer-pop. You love to suck all the juice out of it, but it keeps you quiet while the rest of us eat dinner.
  • You don't have any teeth yet, but you are drooling and chewing like crazy. We can see the teeth under your gums...any day one is going to pop through.
  • You started waking up in the middle of the night to eat, so I think you have just gone through a growth spurt. I now nurse you and then follow-up with a bottle at night, just to be sure you are full and content; you started sleeping through the night again. Yay!
  • You are sitting up now! You can't get into a sitting position on your own, yet. But, if I sit you down, you do sit and play for a few minutes before falling over and flipping over to your tummy.

  • You are trying to crawl so badly. You get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth. You haven't mastered the art of moving your hands or knees just yet, but each day you get braver!

  • You are getting better about having other people hold you now. Usually, as long as you can see mommy or daddy you are ok, but this past Saturday we went to a wedding and you stayed home with a new babysitter (and Allison and Preston) and were fine. You didn't cry and had no issues for the sitter, I was so relieved!
  • You love to bounce. You have a jumperoo at the every-day babysitter's house and you love to be in it and jump. You jump in your exersaucer and when I am holding you; and you laugh, you are so funny.
  • You laugh out loud all the time now and have said "ma" once or twice...just a matter of time! But, I still think you say "Hi" all the time.
  • You started waving last week, too! We have to say "Hi" about 1,000 times but eventually you start waving, with your right hand, and usually in your own direction, but it is the cutest thing.
  • You love to go for walks in your stroller. You love to sit up and check out the scenery, it doesn't matter where we go, as long as you can sit up and look around.

  • Everyone in our house loves you so much. You bring so much joy into our lives.

  • You love watching your big sister and brother and laugh at them all the time.

Before I know it, you will be a year old already...I can't wait to see what kind of child you turn out to be, but I do love every minute with you as a baby!

3 comments: said...

he's soooo freakin adorable!!

My Trendy Tykes said...

awwww!! Getting big and SO DARN CUTE!

Unknown said...

Michele, Wow..reading your blog...YOu are such an AMAZING mother. You shouldn't feel guilty about giving a bottle sometimes. I mean, you have three children, a husband and work full time. Pumping twice at work??How in the world do you do it? You are truly inspiring! I'm not just saying that to make you feel better, really. Reading your blog gives me a sense of "you can do it" and helps me through my daily struggles with the girls. I've been struggling with nursing lately too but I am a stay at home mom with only reading your blog really makes me feel like an utter failure! lol! Really though, 6 months is an awesome start and you should be SO proud of yourself. I think you are so great! Your kids are very blessed to have you.