Wednesday, February 4, 2009

38 week check-up, another ultrasound and a baby name....

So, I had my 38 week check-up today. First, let me say that at last week's appointment, my mid-wife, Donna, said this little guy was going to be big; she was guessing he was about 7 1/2 pounds last week, which, if he gains 1/2 a pound a week (which is the average at this stage) he was going to be around 9 pounds at birth. I was very concerned, because I know they can be off a pound, and was afraid of giving birth to a 3 month old 10 pound baby.Donna decided we would do another ultrasound today to try to get a better idea of his size.

SO, I started my appointment with an ultrasound. Linda, the tech, measured him and he looks to be about 7 1/2 pounds this week. So, he's right on track (about 60th percentile). So, with another pound over the next two weeks, he'll be about 8 1/2 pounds, which is what Preston weighed...I can handle that. Linda did mention that I have some extra fluid, which could be contributing to me measuring or seeming bigger than I am, but it was nothing to be worried about.

We looked at the baby for awhile on the ultrasound (since Donna was doing an emergency c-section, and wasn't even at the office yet). She showed me all of his hair; now, both of my other kids had a lot of hair, and I NEVER had heartburn. I've had so much heartburn this pregnancy, that I think he may have more hair than Allison and Preston. It looked like it curls off his head. She also confirmed again, that it is a boy; there has been no doubt about it, but we had time to look at stuff. Linda also made sure that the cord is not wrapped around his neck; I've started having nightmares, so she checked, just to humor me.

It was a good appointment. Donna measured my belly and I was measuring 38 weeks; I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow, she does think the extra fluid has been making me measure big sometimes.

Because she was running behind; she did not check my cervix today, but is planning on it next week. I did tell her that I want to be done working after next week, and she was totally fine with that; said I didn't even have to ask, after all, it's only one week before my due date and I deserve a week of rest before I give birth to another baby.

My team at work consists of 10 members; 3 salesmen and 7 service people. They all chipped in and bought me a new travel system (the one I wanted of course, thanks to my tip to my friend, Alison); so we now have a carseat and can bring the little guy home from the hospital. I also have an amazing group of co-workers; they are throwing me a "Diaper lunch" tomorrow so then we'll have diapers, too. I will be getting my bonus check on Friday, so I'm going to go buy anything else I think I may need with that. We did finally buy a changing table and I bought baskets for the shelves; his clothes and blankets are all put away and waiting for him. So, after Friday, he is welcome to come out and join us in the outside world anytime.

Ok, and now for the big news....I know you've all waited patiently. We decided on a name a few weeks ago, and I am finally ready to share it since I know it's for sure going to be his name and we are not changing it....we are naming our little boy Mason Storm M. I know, different and totally not like me, but I love it and think it's so cute. I've shared it with a few people at work and haven't gotten any negative reactions, if you don't like it, just don't comment; it's too bad anyhow, it's my baby and that's what his name is....Hopefully next time I post a blog, Mason will be born healthy, but if not, I'll update when I know more.

Talk to you soon.



The Writer Chic said...

I left you a FB comment, but wanted to pop over here, too. I LOVE the name. And completely unrelated....I was in Louisville today, and missed Y&R. Catch me up? ;)

Alicia said...

Congrats on a good visit! I love the name! Good luck! I will be praying for you!

the smiling fat girl said...

welcome to blog world. it'll getcha! congrats on your pregnancy.