Wednesday, February 18, 2009

40 weeks and a birth to come!

So, I just got home from my 40 week OB appointment. Apparently, sitting on the physio ball helped; the baby's head has dropped a bit and he's in the right position for delivery.
Donna did a non-stress test, and this little guy performed perfectly. Therefore, when Donna measured me and confirmed that he's "ready to be hatched" (her words, not mine), she checked my cervix, said his head was low enough and my cervix was "inducable". Donna stripped my membranes. She said if I don't go into labor tonight; she scheduled me at Toledo Hospital tomorrow morning for induction...yay!!
So, we have to be ready at 7am and the hospital will call us when they are ready for us to come in; could be 7, could be 8...either way, I'm having my baby within the next 36 hours....
I was only dialated to 1cm, which, from what I read, the stripping of the membranes doesn't usually work unless your body is farther along, but we shall see. I don't have any cramping or bleeding or now we just wait and see if I go into labor on my own tonight or we get induced tomorrow.
So, Mason Storm will probably be entering this world on his due date, February 19, 2009. As long as he's healthy, I'm fine either way. I've got the video camera charging, I just put sheets on the bassinet and pack-n-play and put my phone charger in my hospital bag. My camera is ready to go and I'm just going to sit back and wait to see what happens.
I'm a bit nervous; haven't given birth in 5 years, but remember most of what goes on...I'm sure it will be fine, and I will try to post as soon as I can afterwards; I don't have a laptop, so maybe one of my friends who visits me at the hospital will post something for me.
So, hopefully next time I talk to most of you, I will be a mother of 3 healthy children.
Until then....Michele