Friday, May 29, 2009

Mommy Confessions: I'm obsessed with baby stuff!

So, I stumbled across a new blog (thanks to Alicia) in which Victoria over at Life Starring Ellie and Eve is starting a new series called The Mommy Confessions. As moms many of us have things that we would like to get off our chests or that we would just like to confession. So here is the place to do it!

Head over to her blog and link your weekly confession and see what other mothers are confessing.

So, my mommy confession for this week? I'm obsessed with buying stuff for baby Mason. I shop online and bid on things for him on Ebay. Currently, I'm bidding on 5 pairs of Trumpette socks. 4 days ago, I bid and won 5 summer rompers and two pairs of shorts for him. Of course, I only spent like $5, $9 with shipping, and they were like brand new, but Mason has more summer clothes than anyone else in the house (thanks to many outfits I had saved from Preston). Two days ago, I bid and won a Bumbo seat with tray for Mason..I cannot wait for it to arrive; the auction said it was rarely used. Like this child needs anything else to sit in, but I had to have one since everyone else raves about them. Oh, and remember last week, I bought that fabulous brand new, super over-stimulating exersaucer from Craigslist for 1/4 of the original price. What was my last post about? I save too many things, and my house is jam-packed with stuff? Yet, I find it necessary to buy more. Poor Allison and Preston hardly have any summer clothes; Preston is mostly wearing all his stuff from last summer (thank goodness he insisted on me buying him tons of elastic waist basketball shorts). HOWEVER, I will be going to get the older kids a couple of new items this weekend, now that I received my rebate from Lowe's and I sold a kids playhouse that we had in the basement. But, I cannot promise I won't stop and at least look, and maybe buy, something more for Mason. I don't remember boys clothes being so cute when Preston was little.

Anyhow, now that I got that off my chest; I'm going back to Ebay to check out the status of my new/used Bumbo seat!

What do you have to confess this week?


Victoria Arya said...

I LOVE baby stuff too...I look at stuff all the time and covet covet covet LOL...I especially LOVE strollers. I also happen to live with a hubby who HATES stuff...not the greatest combination you know.

I have a good excuse now since I am pregant LOL

Alicia said...

I have the baby fever so I have been checking out all kids of baby stuff. IT is all so cute!

Sarah said...

I'm totally guilty of this. At this point my youngest two (twins) are starting to grow out of things and since we aren't planning to have any more kids my husband is ready to start getting rid of stuff. I find it a bit traumatic.

Lizzie said...

I love shopping for baby stuff, too! Maybe that's why I want to keep having babies...

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

I am in the same boat. I am addicted to shopping for my kids...and myself....and even my husband! The kids stuff is so fun though, the clothes are adorable and the toys, well, I am a kid at heart. Really, how can we resist?

Jenny said...

i think every one does that with babies. i know i did.

Lisa said...

you are totally not allow , my little girl has the closet of all closets. I can spend on her all day ! What children needs 18 pairs of shoes and all in the same size , she will be lucky if she gets to wear each pair 10 times !
i just cant buy her enough things, and since I have a pj thing , i buy them for her all the time to!