Sunday, May 3, 2009

Random Sunday Thoughts

Yesterday was my husband, David's, birthday...42 years old already. He definitely doesn't look or act like a 42 year old. I've been freaking out about being in my 30's, I can't imagine how he feels. I guess that's the plus on marrying someone 10 years older; no matter how old I's a constant reminder I could be older. :)

I had planned on taking David out to dinner, both for his birthday and our anniversary that was 2 weeks's hard finding a sitter on a Friday or Saturday night so I just combined the two events. I asked a co-worker to babysit as she's getting married next year and offering to babysit for extra cash. Of course, she charges $10 per hour...which I think is crazy. What is the going rate for a babysitter for an evening out? Anyone have any idea? Barb only charges me $35 per day for the entire day. Anyhoo..since I couldn't find anyone else to watch the kids, we had decided we would take the kids to dinner with us, then have the sitter come over later so we could go out to the bar. I haven't had a drink at the bar in over a year.

We spent the entire day cleaning the house. After all, I don't want any of my co-workers to know how we really live. HA! David was great; cleaned both bathrooms, which included scrubbing both toilets and the tub...he even cleaned the mirrors; I was impressed. I didn't have to complain too much before he got the hint and started cleaning without me having to ask. Have I mentioned that I LOVE my house when it's clean?

David's sister Sharon called to wish him a happy birthday and offered to watch the kids while we went to dinner. It was so nice; of course we both felt guilty the whole time, but it was still nice to be able to enjoy dinner, just the two of us. We went to Red Lobster, splurged on dinner and both had a cocktail. Then, we went home, spent some time with the kids and waited for the sitter to come. Anyone of you out there who have parents, in-laws, or relatives who watch your child/children for you at a drop of the hat, without charging you, are very lucky; I hope you know that. So, we went out for about 3 hours; the bar was dead and we were both just we came home rather early. But, the good news was that all three of our kids were sleeping and Mason ended up sleeping just over 6 hours...of course, 2 of those were when we were out, but I still got 4 hours of sleep at once. Yay!

It was really nice to spend some alone time with my husband. He was so sweet all day and was even sweeter on our way home. (The bar we go to is 3 blocks from our house, David's brother bar tends there on Fridays and Saturdays). David told me how much I mean to him. He said it was so nice to be able to spend time with me and misses us spending any time together. He told me he loves me more now than he ever has and made me cry. I realized how much I take my marriage for granted. I just expect him to always be there; and quite honestly, these days I don't give him much to come home to. I'm always tired and "bitching" about the house, kids, work, etc. I haven't been there for him much and have no desire to be intimate these days (my hormones are all over the place). It was so nice to hear David say those things; we just don't talk like we used to. We are both going to make more of an effort going forward.

Today was just another lazy Sunday, yard work, grocery shopping, laundry, the usual. But, we did have to go to TJ Maxx and pick out an outfit for Allison to wear on Friday. Friday is VIP day at school; she gets to invite someone to come spend a few hours at her school and see the school. They are doing a fashion show this year, sponsored by TJ Maxx, and Allison was selected to be in the fashion show; she's so excited. She gets to pick out an outfit to wear at the fashion show; she doesn't get to keep it, but the sundress she chose is only $10, so I will probably go buy it for her after the fashion show.

Mason has been cranky a lot today. He's a very warm baby and it was pretty nice out today. I think he was really hot because when we took his clothes off; he was in a better mood and able to sleep a little. For the most part, he's been up ALL day. He's still up at this hour...I'm hoping to get him off to sleep soon; right now, he's watching the news with dad.

Tomorrow, Allison has a field trip to a local farm, where she will milk a cow and get to pet many farm animals; hopefully, they will keep them away from the pigs. She is SO excited...she even made a point to tell me that they will have hand sanitizer to use after she touches the animals...she is so my daughter.

Remember when I told you a few weeks back that she was having bad leg cramps? I kept referring to them as "growing pains". Well, I think I was right; she seems to be getting taller the last few weeks and looks like she's thinning out a bit in the middle...must be since the weather is getting nicer and she's able to do more physical activity.

Well, that's our weekend in a nutshell...I wanted to add some photos, but and having trouble uploading them. I will post them as soon as I can.

Good night.
