Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Three Months!

Mason - what are you up to these days??

You have the greatest smile; still have that dimple in your left cheek and laugh so much more.

You are still most happiest in the morning.

You are ticklish! I found some of your sensitive spots and continue to use them to make you laugh out loud.

You can hold your head up completely all by yourself now.

You try to pull yourself into a sitting position if I have you laying back a little.

You are no longer content with being cuddled and held like a baby. You like to sit up and see the world.

You fall asleep every night between 8:30 and 9:00 pm and will sleep 5 -5 1/2 hours from then.

You are only waking up one time to eat during the night now; yay!

You sleep in your bassinet exclusively now. But, sometimes, on weekend mornings, I still bring you bed with me for a little while. We still love to cuddle!

You are wearing size 2 diapers and you weigh almost 14 pounds.

You are still wearing 3 months size clothes and some of them are even starting to look a little short now.

You love taking walks in your stroller; and you love being outside.

Your eyes are still a dark blue and we see them all the time now.

Your hair is still all there and dark brown. You may not lose any of it!

You really love your exersaucer and can spin around in it already!

You are still growing way too fast. :-)