Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mason's First (Day) Camping Trip

I'm not sure if I mentioned this last week, but we went up to the family campground last Sunday (Memorial Day weekend).

First, let me start by saying that I do not like to be outdoors...I'm not an outdoorsy girl. I have horrible allergies and do not like bugs or the heat. I can't stand sitting around sweating, which means I certainly would not want to be sitting around a camp fire on a very hot summer day. Not to mention, that there is not a day that I don't take a shower; and taking a shower in a public shower is not my idea of clean.

Anyhow, David's dad has a camper up at Camp DiClair on Nettles Lake in Pioneer, Ohio. Along with his dad, he has a sister and two brothers that also have campers on the lake. There are also a couple of cousins, and many family friends. David's mom and dad camped at this particular campground for years until his mom passed away 12 years ago. His dad has continued to camp along with some of his siblings (there are 9 kids all together; don't know if I've ever mentioned that).

Well, David is an outdoorsy man. He loves to fish, golf, and just be outside in general. So, naturally, he likes to camp. We've gone up to the campgrounds at least once or twice every summer for the past 10 years. Last year, over Labor Day weekend, I gave in and offered to stay the night, for one night, at the campgrounds. It was the first time we ever stayed overnight with the kids. My kids absolutely love being at the campground. They love to be outside and love to play in the water, and for some reason, the huge dirt pile by the water (gross!).

Last weekend I knew everyone would be camping so I wanted to take the kids up there, for the day this time. So we went on Sunday; it's about an hour drive.

All of the kids loved it; even Mason, as long as I was holding him. It took awhile, but eventually, I was able to hand him off to some of his aunts and at least sit and eat my chicken. One thing the Merritt's know how to do is eat; so I love being around the family...we're always eating. Ha!

Mason and Papa M (right before Mason started crying). Mason is biological grandchild #20 for Papa M (#21 due to be born this week)!

Allison and Preston playing on the dock...I said they loved the water, didn't I?

That other little boy is my kids' 3rd cousin, Mason. So, it was funny to watch Allison, Preston and "Mason" playing! haha
I wish you could have seen their socks when they took them off; and the 2 pounds of sand that came out of them, yuck!

David and Mason in Aunt Judy's camper (David was watching the hockey game - Wings are in the finals, like he'd miss a game, even when camping!

Mason liked being in the air-conditioning...did I mention that he doesn't like to be hot, at all?

He so wanted to be in the water.

In the dirt pile, which, if you knew Allison, is totally the opposite of the "princess" persona she gives off. You'll notice, she already changed her 1st shirt because it was too dirty.

Oh, he loves the dirt, too!

"What? I'm not doing anything wrong"

With sticks, in the dirt

Uncle Jay & Aunt Kay's camper...where most everyone congregates, since they are right on the lake (lake to the immediate left of the camper).

Aunt Kay, aka the baby hog, with Mason! haha

Uncle Greg and Mason

David, taking Mason for a walk

David, showing Mason the's only a matter of time until he also wants to be in the water, too.

I wish I knew was David was saying to them.

Aunt Judy and Mason.

I'm sure Mason will love camping like the rest of the family soon enough. I'm even thinking of giving in and maybe buying a camper, too. After all, we can get satellite t.v. up there..someday I'm sure it will be wired for Internet; no one said I have to spend all weekend outside, as long as I'm camping, right?