Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My life is not all that interesting.

It amazes me that people read my blog; my life is busy and revolves around my kids, but not at all interesting. I think people just come by to see pictures of the kids, but whatever gets them here.

The "Mommy Confessions" post was a hit and linking myself up to the original blogger who started it has brought many people to my blog, which is great. I need to start looking for more blogs like that, where I can meet up with people and share mommy stories...or anything else, really. I hope all these mommy's continue to check in on me!

Anyhow, nothing much new here.

Is it wrong for me to want to eat my baby because he's so sweet? I mean, really, I would never eat him, but maybe kiss him a bit too much, which he loves by the way.

Mason had a very rough weekend. He was a bit cranky and didn't sleep all that well. Saturday night, David and I went to a steak roast at school and I had a co-worker/friend (Lindsay) watch the kids. She's been wanting to watch them because she gets to hear about all the funny things they do. Anyhow, we left the house at 6:30 pm and Lindsay had to call David about 8:00 because Mason was screaming bloody murder and she couldn't get him to stop. David went home (thank goodness we only live 6 blocks from school) to calm him down. As soon as David took him, Mason settled down and started laughing and smiling..stinker!! David was gone about 30 minutes or so and finally got Mason to sleep so he could come back to the steak roast. Mason did end up sleeping until after 3 am...

Sunday Mason was out of sorts again; very fussy and just not himself. He's been chewing on his hands uncontrollably and drooling a lot. I don't know if he's teething; it's awful early, but I know it could happen. I don't see anything in there and I don't see that his gums are white. I took his temperature, and he did not have a fever. I ended up giving him a dose of Tylenol, for the first time ever, just to be safe. After about an hour, he finally fell asleep and took a short cat-nap. Sunday night he didn't sleep well, either. He's flipping over to his stomach, however, his arm gets stuck underneath him and it makes him very mad. So, of course he was up quite a bit.

Monday, I was worried about him at the sitter's because I thought he'd be extra cranky and fussy...I know I was! Turns out, he slept all day at the sitters, and was a complete angel all evening!! Never even fussed once! He fell asleep in his swing while we ate dinner and was so happy and giggly when he was awake. He let me hold him like a baby until he fell asleep last night and slept much better. He flipped over onto his tummy and whined a bit until I got his arm out from underneath him, but went back to sleep and slept on his belly for the rest of the night. Anyhow, the point of that whole story is that he was an angel after a very rough weekend...so I forgive him, of course.

Last night was Allison's last tap class until her recital on June 12th. I cannot wait!

Other than that, not much going on. We will be very busy this month; every Saturday we have something planned and a few Sundays; graduation parties, birthday parties, showers, etc. Plus, there will be a new baby in the family sometime this week. So exciting.

I will leave you with some pictures...of course. Tomorrow's post is about Allison, so no pictures of her today; I'm saving them for tomorrow.

I'm so glad the weather has been so nice; I love the kids spending time outdoors.

I wish you could see the determination on his face!

Still smiling!

He was so happy, again, tonight...see why I want to eat him smother him with kisses?

Here he goes!

Can't decide if he wants to eat his hands or roll over!

Almost there!

Now, just...gotta...move...that...arm!


Oh wait...I'll just show you a video!