Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mason is 5 months old!

Mason, you are 5 months old already!

Let's see what you have been up to lately.
  • You weigh around 17 lbs (75%) You weighed 16 lbs and 8 1/2 ounces and were 25 1/2 inches tall at your 4 month check-up a month ago.

  • You are still in a size 2 diaper
  • You wear mostly size 6 months or 6-9 months clothes; I can still get you into some 3-6 month clothes.
  • You are laughing out loud a lot more; and are very ticklish.
  • You are trying to get up on your hands and knees now. You want to crawl so bad. You mostly roll around the floor and even "army crawl" a little. You are going to be moving any time now.
  • You are now sleeping in your crib every night now. You sleep from about 8:30-9:00 pm until about 6:00 am every day. Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night, but usually fall right back to sleep once we pop your pacifier back in. You're even starting to put it back in by yourself, which is why we put 3 around your head at night. But, you are not eating in the middle of the night anymore!
  • You are still reaching for everything. It's very hard to eat or drink anything with you on our laps; you want it, no matter what it is.

  • Your eyes are still a dark blue and are just beautiful. I think you are going to keep them forever!
  • Your hair has gotten a lot thinner, even more from last month. It's still long on top and at the very back. It looks like the hair growing in it's place is a lot lighter; you may end up being blonde!
  • You are a great baby; you are so happy all of the time.
  • You still don't like anyone but mommy or daddy to hold you; you get really upset if someone else tries to hold you.
  • You really love your exersaucer. You will play in there for awhile before getting bored; we've even had to move it up since you can stand straight up in it, it's on the second level now.

  • You love going for walks and love to sit facing out in your stroller. You never make a sound when you're in there, just look around.
  • You're making lots of noises and sometimes it sounds more like words. We swear you've said "hi" already.
  • You are still only getting breastmilk, whether it's in a bottle or nursing, except one jar of stage 1 baby food each evening. You are a GOOD eater! You love anything sweet; sweet potatoes, sweet carrots, sweet peas, applesauce, bananas, pears. You don't like green beans much, but I tried them, too; they don't taste good. We did buy you some stage 2 foods, but haven't tried them yet.
  • You love to put your hands and everything else in your mouth; so I bought you some biter biscuits this week and you loved the one we gave you to keep you happy the other night. It made a huge mess, but you enjoyed it so.

  • You are still growing way too fast. :-)
  • You make everyone in our family so happy; we love you so much!


Alicia said...

He is soo cute! I cant beleive he is 5 mos!