Friday, July 10, 2009

Mommy Confessions: I've created monsters

It’s time to confess again! As moms we all have something we want to get off our chests and as such The Mommy Confessions have been created? Do you have a confession, well go ahead and get it of your chest then head over to Life Starring Ellie and Eve to see what other mommy's are confessing.

So, my mommy confession for this week?

I have created monsters.

What does that mean you ask? Well, Allison and Preston love to play board games. They each get a new one every Christmas and sometimes for their birthdays. We have tons, from Chutes and Ladders to Guess Who. We also have many different card games from UNO to Go Fish. Through the years, I have occasionally been known (but not by the kids) to "miscount" so that I land on a chute rather than a ladder or "forget" to take my $2.00 for passing GO on Jr. Monopoly, just so the kids can win a time or two. Ok, well, I don't cheat all the time, just sometimes....maybe when I want the game to be done or want to give the kids a chance to catch up or get way ahead.

Well, when I don't cheat to lose and accidentally win, my kids throw huge temper tantrums. I'm trying to teach them to be a graceful loser and not a spoiled sport, but it's too late; they've already turned into the kicking-screaming-crying-refusing to clean up the game-monster that comes out when a child this age loses an ever so important board game against poor old mom.

I just want to say to them "Well, geez, act your age, would you"!


The Writer Chic said...

That's funny...we are at that stage yet, but Seth loves to send dominoes crashing in all directions. I'm not sure how he is going to do with board games!

Beth said...

bahaha Your not alone. My daughter is crazy when it comes to games. We have to play Candy Land until she wins. If I win she'll knock off my girl and say HA I win. It's like..get a grip child it's just Candy Land. She longs for that Ice Cream Lady