Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blogging Hiatus

I know; I've been missing...I know, I've not blogged in quite a while. It's not like I am busy or anything; you know, I only have 3 kids and a full-time job to keep me preoccupied.

I haven't felt like blogging much lately. I haven't felt like doing anything much lately. I've been stressed out, sad, depressed, tired and cranky....all over the past week, not all at once.

I am missing my husband, even though he was super cranky when he was home last weekend because he got no rest; everyone needed work done. But, nevertheless, I miss him being a bump on a log around "helping" me with the kids and discipline and cooking dinner and changing diapers and holding Mason so I can go potty and giving baths and letting the dogs out and taking out the trash. Phew...I'm tired of just thinking of my evenings.

Allison and Preston have been fighting and at each other's throats horribly lately. I know it's because they are together all day, every day, and they just plain get sick of each other; that's how I feel when I'm with them all day, every day, too. Ha! I sure hope I'm not the only one who feels this way about their kids; I don't feel this way all the time. I'm just tired of the constant arguing and fighting and tattling. (When I say fight, I mean argue and pinch and push and swat, not like fist-fighting).

This past weekend, David was better; he came home a little early, plus I had Friday off for the holiday, so we got to spend a lot more time together and relax, even though we still had a few things to do. Luckily, this weekend was the first weekend in a long time that we didn't have any real plans, mostly errands, so we were able to sit and relax, as boring as it was, it was nice to not have to go anywhere and do anything. We did have a cookout on Friday, thanks Jackie!, and got to go out and see the Sylvania fireworks, so at least the kids were able to see some, because we sure were not going to fight traffic to go downtown to see the big ones.

We also went to the drive-in on Thursday night to see Transformers 2; it wasn't as much fun as I remember the drive-in, but at least we got to see the movie before it came on DVD.

Next weekend is busy already, again, and my husband just called; he just got back to his hotel room in PA.

God I hate this, bring him back soon, and safely.

It's so lonely, having a husband who is 5 1/2 hours away for 5 nights a week; then we have to rush to get everything done when he's home plus try to squeeze some family time in there; I should be thankful that he's working again, but now I'm thinking: "What's wrong with unemployment?". I can't stand him being gone.

As I sit here, at 10 o'clock pm, my kids have been in bed for over an hour, but yet, I can still hear that Allison and Preston are still up, which means that tomorrow morning, neither one will wake up and it will be a miserable, rushed, late morning; it's a good thing my bosses at work know what I'm going through and are a bit sympathetic so I don't get fired for being 5 minutes late every morning, or even later. I have half a mind to just call off tomorrow so I can sleep in late and stay home one more day; plus it will save me an entire day of childcare. I know I can't do that, though, I mean, I could, but I'd rather keep my last few vacation days for something really important like family time.

So, I know this post is all over the place, and pretty random, but it's kind of hard to come back to blogging after not for over a week; I promise to try to keep up this week.

Until next time (sooner than later, I hope).


The Writer Chic said...

Ugh. I'm sorry, Michele. I didn't realize David was in PA. I don't know how you're juggling it all. =( Hang in there. It has to get better soon, right?

Alicia said...

I hope things gets better...I know it has to be tough with 3 kids.