Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Proud Mama!

Sunday, we had a surprise baby shower for my friend, and co-worker, Melissa. Of course I had to take all three kids because David left for PA early and I sure didn't want to miss the baby shower.

Earlier in the day, Allison and Preston were acting like crazy kids and being out of control. I was afraid they would act crazy when we went to the shower and embarrass me. I ended up yelling at them and sending them to their room about an hour before we had to leave...just to get some peace and quiet and maybe, just maybe, get them to settle down.

Well, the time came to leave and I told them to get ready, go potty and we were leaving. Allison wanted to wear a dress, of course, and Preston wanted to wear "handsome" clothes. So, they got ready, did everything I told them to and off we went to the shower.

I wasn't quite sure where I was going, I had "map quested" the address, and was able to drive there without the kids making me totally frazzled; they were pretty tame at this point. We got to the shower and got settled in before Melissa arrived, which is a true accomplishment, being [temporarily] single with 3 kids.

Let me just say that my kids, all three of them, were SO good. Allison and Preston used their manners, were cute, funny and lovable the entire time. They ate all the food they took and Preston played with the other kids beautifully. Mason, even though he didn't want anyone but me to hold him, was good (as usual) and quiet.

They made me look like such a good mom and made me so proud! I even thanked them afterwards for behaving so wonderfully; I couldn't have asked for anything better.

Sometimes they just surprise the heck out of me and do exactly as I dream they would. I'm so lucky!