Monday, April 20, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama.

You can head over to to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Here goes:

This week I most certainly did NOT contemplate quitting nursing and go strictly to pumping breast milk and feeding Mason by bottle because it gives me more freedom and other people can feed him. That would be selfish on my part. Not me!

I also did not scream and yell like a mad woman at my daughter who had a horrible "growing pain" in her left leg and could barely walk. It was just not a convenient time for the cramp to hit when we had to walk a mile to our car from our hotel room. That would show that I'm not a perfect mother and lose my temper. Nope, Not Me!

I did NOT let my baby sleep on my chest almost every night this past week when I was on vacation and swore I would start weening him so that I could get some real sleep. Pretty soon, he may be too big for that; why would I not want to get as much in that I can? Not Me!

I did not get totally frustrated at Blogger last night when I was trying to post pictures from our Kalahari trip. I didn't just give up and go to bed, knowing my loyal readers would check again later and the pictures would eventually be posted. After all, I do NOT lose my temper and am not an inpatient person. Not me!

I did not buy baby cereal at the grocery store last night and put some in a bottle for Mason before he went to bed last night in hopes it would make him sleep longer. He's only two months old and pushing the issue could make him fatter than necessary. And, why would I need to sleep longer? That's just selfish considering I know I have an infant and I am perfectly aware that they don't always sleep through the night at this early age. Not me!

And finally, I absolutely, did NOT get jealous when I saw my sister-in-law over the weekend, whom I'm not totally fond of, being big and pregnant. After all, I have a beautiful, healthy baby boy who was sleeping on my chest at the time. Why would that make me jealous? I certainly did not almost tell my husband I was ready to start trying again. Nope, not me!

Okay. I did it. Can you stand to be brutally honest?
