Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

Today I'm thankful for many things in my life. But the following are the things that I'm especially thankful for at this moment.

I'm thankful that my first week back to work has seemed to go by pretty quickly. I'm thankful that I've fallen back into the routine so easily and remember what it is I'm supposed to be doing at work. :)

I'm thankful for understanding friends and co-workers during this first, tough week back. They understood when I was choked up and/or crying on Monday morning that I just needed some time to adjust and didn't want to talk right the afternoon, we were back to normal conversation.

I'm thankful that I'm off work for the entire week next week during spring break with my kids. Hopefully the weather will be nice so we can get out of the house so that I don't end up going crazy and duct taping them to a chair by the end of the week.

I'm thankful for the gorgeous weather we had today so that soccer season could officially start.

I'm thankful our whole family could enjoy the evening outside together, even though the breeze did get chilly.
I'm thankful for three healthy kids; two of which are very active and enjoy soccer. And one of which slept through most of the soccer games and didn't scream the whole time.

I'm thankful for my strong marriage; my husband has been very patient with me during my pregnancy and recovery and not too pushy about getting the intimacy back into our lives. Especially because I feel like I constantly have a baby attached.

I'm thankful that tomorrow we get to finally find out if Melissa is having a baby girl or a baby boy in August; it's so wonderful that this pregnancy has been so healthy for her thus far.

And, finally, I'm stealing this idea from Melissa this week; as I totally agree. I am thankful for the Internet and cyberworld. It's great to be able to connect with old friends and classmates while having an outlet. It's nice to meet new people anywhere in the world and swap stories and share advice. Yes, that means all of you! :)

What are you thankful for today?

1 comments: said...

I love the pic of you & Mason. The other pics are good too - it looks like Toledo actually had a spring day...
Have fun next week - there better be lots of pics of the kids, since it's not like you're be doing anything - ha! :)